
Hi, I’m Dan, I’m 58 and have been licensed since the early 90s. I’m interested in all sorts of radio, but am most interested in HF and technology. I’m the guy behind the “BlufftonRadioClub.com” site and that’s probably a nod to my technology background. Why a new radio site? There are plenty of radio forums out there, of course, but I don’t believe there are a whole lot of radio clubs in our area. There’s a group in Beaufort, although it sounds like they’re a weekly coffee kind of setup, and I believe there’s a group down in Sun City. I’m not sure, but I’m guessing you’ve got to live in Sun City to participate.

I’ve been married for 30 years to a great woman and we have two adult children and we moved to Bluffton full time when the youngest went to college. We’ve been here since 2018, although I’ve been coming to the area since I was a kid. Of course I moved into an HOA community and haven’t done my homework on stealth antennas, but I’d like to figure that out at some point.

Anyway, back to the idea of the “club” - that may be a little ambitious. Perhaps it’ll be a better idea to say, “folks that like to talk radios and get together every now and again”? lol, I dunno. But what I do know is that there are about 120 “active” hams in the Bluffton & Hilton Head area that have received a license in the last ten years or so. How do I know? I played around a bit on the FCC ULS site and downloaded those users who met a few criteria. I’m going to start to reach out to those folks in the coming weeks and maybe, just maybe, we’ll see about putting together some type of club or group.
March 15



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