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  1. Dan

    Icom 8600

    Software Defined Receiver Whether deployed with two receivers on a single 19-inch rack or on your desk at home, the IC-R8600 is an impressive upgrade to any serious SIGINT team, interference research team, or the avid shortwave or receiver enthusiasts. Covering 10 kHz to 3 GHz, this...
  2. Dan

    Icom 7700

    Product Discontinued The IP3 performance of a radio can be improved by sacrificing sensitivity, but Icom considers this a poor choice. To achieve REAL high-performance, Icom reviewed all of the analog receiver circuitry. The IC-7700 employs mechanical relay BPF switching, a digitally tuned...
  3. Dan

    Icom 7100

    At the 2012 Tokyo Hamfair, Icom once again changed mobile HF communications by introducing the IC-7100. The ease of operation with fingertip control utilizing the intuitive touch screen interface with the power of 32-bit IF DSP.
  4. Dan

    Icom 905

    The IC-905 is the industry's first microwave rig in the 144, 430/440, 1200, 2400, 5600 MHz and 10 GHz* bands. Multi-mode operation including SSB, AM, FM, D-STAR DV/DD and FM-TV (Amateur TV). Output power is 10 W on 144, 430/440, 1200 MHz, 2 W on 2400, 5600 MHz and 0.5 W on 10 GHz. The IC-905...
  5. Dan

    Icom 705

    From HF to 50/144/440 MHz, you can enjoy a variety of bands in the D-STAR DV, SSB, CW, RTTY, AM and FM modes. The IC-705 receives continuously from 30 kHz through the 144 MHz band. You can also enjoy FM broadcast and air band reception. The IC-705 employs an RF direct sampling system, where RF...
  6. Dan

    Links to Interesting Microwave Blog Sites:
  7. Dan

    Islanders Amateur Radio Association

    We are no longer using Ref 054B to access the D-Star Net. We are switching to a system put together by Nick KF5CJG and friends. This allows you to access the net using a variety of digital modalities: For BlueDV users, select DSTAR and then click the XLX button at the top right of the screen...
  8. Dan

    Icom 7100 mobile install in a Ford Bronco…

    Spent a little time on my mobile install today. I’ve previously mounted a 7100 in a Ford Bronco (you can read more and see pics here… The goal today was to hardwire a Midland Spk-200 into the...
  9. Dan

    Icom 7100 mobile install in a Ford Bronco…

    It’s been a few months since I installed the radios in the Bronco. When I bought the Midlands GMRS radio, I also bought an external speaker. The SPK200 - It’s a 20w 8-ohm speaker. I hadn’t really thought too much about using...
  10. Dan

    Icom 7100 mobile install in a Ford Bronco…

    I’ve been playing around with an Open Spot Pro 4.0 recently - it’s a self-contained hotspot that includes WiFi so that it can manage a connection to the internet to get your RF online. It’s handy. At its most basic it permits you can use a DSTAR radio to get online/“on the air” with the...
  11. Dan

    Beaufort Radio Amateur Group

    BRAG Nets:
  12. Dan

    Post a photo of your shack...!

    Post a photo of your shack...!
  13. Dan

    Shark RF - OpenSpot 4 Pro

    I’m more of an HF guy, yet I’ve dabbled with different aspects of this hobby now and again. I’ve recently become interested in satellite work, yet the one really big issue is I live in an HOA community. Stealth antennas are a possibility, yet you know, you run the risk of getting the HOA people...
  14. Dan

    Beaufort Radio Amateur Group

    The group meets Friday mornings at the iHop in Beaufort at 7:30a/8:00a for breakfast and a social hour. The breakfasts usually last about an hour. 266 Robert Smalls Pkwy Beaufort, SC 29906 The group also meets at the Beaufort Chick-Fil-A on Monday & Wednesday at 8:00a for coffee. 2405...
  15. Dan

    Icom 7100 mobile install in a Ford Bronco…

    I ended up using a Magnetic Mic on a ram type boom mounted to the dashboard for the microphone. Works great.
  16. Dan

    Amsat M2 Leo
  17. Dan

    Icom 7100 mobile install in a Ford Bronco…

    As an aside to all of this, I’ve had the Icom 7100 and the tuner for a number of years. The only thing I bought new was the GMRS, the molle gear, and the cables/power pole/and power distribution system.
  18. Dan

    Satellite Work on the Icom 9700…

    I’ve had an Icom 9700 for some time and have been playing around with DSTAR on it (as an aside, it works nothing like the 7100 in terms of DSTAR). Been spending a lot time considering a rotator solution (Yaesu G5500 is the leading contender) and a CSN Technologies S.A.T. controller as the “box...
  19. Dan

    Icom 9700 Sat Communication
  20. Dan

    Icom 7100 mobile install in a Ford Bronco…

    So I’ve wanted to have a nice mobile install in my car for decades - yet it was one thing after another. As I’ve thought about this in the past I’ve only really considered an HF rig as I’m not too active on the local repeaters. You’re either a local repeater guy or you’re not. Sure, you may...