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  1. Dan

    Some great Icom 7100 videos…
  2. Dan

    A bit of frustrating start…

    I’ve watched a lot of POTA videos and I see guys with really modest equipment/antennas setting up and, shazam, dozens of contacts in an hour or two. Yeah, that’s not happening for me. I’ve tried to activate a couple of parks four or five times and while I’ve made contacts, I’m definitely the...
  3. Dan

    Learning CW…

    I am 100% on of those guys that said I was never gonna learn code. I’ve tried the portable code players in the past, used some very basic online tools, and it all went in one ear and out the other. Now that I don’t *need* to pass a code test to get a license, I found myself poking around on...
  4. Dan

    Good thread with microwave contacts…
  5. Dan

    Great 905 presentation
  6. Dan

    Mapping POTA Contacts

  7. Dan

    FT8 & Icom 705 Configuration
  8. Dan

    Microwave Forums - VK3
  9. Dan

    Blue Ridge Microwave Society Blue Ridge Microwave Society (BRMS) Dedicated to the advancement of VHF, UHF and Microwave Amateur Radio communications. BRMS is an informal association of amateur radio enthusiasts with an interest in amateur microwave radio technology and operations...
  10. Dan

    AH-705 Antenna Tuner

    Very nice.
  11. Dan

    Additional Reading…

    Dan, before you and others continue, first check out three websites that have most of the information for your spreadsheet idea- Hey What;s That- (ADD YOUR NEW PANARAMA COORDINATES FOT IT AND THE FOLLOWING) , Rainscatter- and the...
  12. Dan

    How do you know which way to point the microwave antenna?

    Believe me, there are folks that get paid a lot of money to figure this stuff out... I'm basically doing it on the back of a napkin (in Excel) and will have to learn a bit once the radio gets here. Here's a handy spreadsheet that I put together to help me with the azimuth and change (+/-) in...
  13. Dan

    AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus

    I bought an AnyTone 878 a few weeks ago, mostly just to play with it and see how I liked it. There’s a lot to like with the idea of using a digital radio to access a multitude of talk groups. An added benefit is the SharkRF Open Spot a bought a few months ago works with the DMR radios - either...
  14. Dan

    Icom 9700

    Direct Sampling Brought to the VHF/UHF World Built with the VHF/UHF weak signal operator in mind, the IC-9700 is an RF direct sampling receiver for 2m and 70cm. The IF receiver consists of a single, down conversion for 23cm that is between 311 – 371MHz. This design provides a quiet receiver due...
  15. Dan

    Icom 8600

    Software Defined Receiver Whether deployed with two receivers on a single 19-inch rack or on your desk at home, the IC-R8600 is an impressive upgrade to any serious SIGINT team, interference research team, or the avid shortwave or receiver enthusiasts. Covering 10 kHz to 3 GHz, this...
  16. Dan

    Icom 7700

    Product Discontinued The IP3 performance of a radio can be improved by sacrificing sensitivity, but Icom considers this a poor choice. To achieve REAL high-performance, Icom reviewed all of the analog receiver circuitry. The IC-7700 employs mechanical relay BPF switching, a digitally tuned...
  17. Dan

    Icom 7100

    At the 2012 Tokyo Hamfair, Icom once again changed mobile HF communications by introducing the IC-7100. The ease of operation with fingertip control utilizing the intuitive touch screen interface with the power of 32-bit IF DSP.
  18. Dan

    Icom 905

    The IC-905 is the industry's first microwave rig in the 144, 430/440, 1200, 2400, 5600 MHz and 10 GHz* bands. Multi-mode operation including SSB, AM, FM, D-STAR DV/DD and FM-TV (Amateur TV). Output power is 10 W on 144, 430/440, 1200 MHz, 2 W on 2400, 5600 MHz and 0.5 W on 10 GHz. The IC-905...
  19. Dan

    Icom 705

    From HF to 50/144/440 MHz, you can enjoy a variety of bands in the D-STAR DV, SSB, CW, RTTY, AM and FM modes. The IC-705 receives continuously from 30 kHz through the 144 MHz band. You can also enjoy FM broadcast and air band reception. The IC-705 employs an RF direct sampling system, where RF...
  20. Dan

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