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  • Dan
    Believe me, there are folks that get paid a lot of money to figure this stuff out... I'm basically doing it on the back of a napkin (in...
  • Dan
    Dan replied to the thread Post a photo of your shack...!.
  • Dan
    Dan replied to the thread Islanders Amateur Radio Association.
  • Dan
    Dan replied to the thread Islanders Amateur Radio Association.
    Salty Dog Net - 442.675, 1700 hrs, 100 MHz tone. Thursday evenings.
  • Dan
    Dan replied to the thread Icom 905.
    Well, I’ve been thinking about it and decided to jump on that $500 savings that expires at year end. I pulled the trigger on a 905 last...
  • Dan
    Dan posted the thread AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus in DMR.
    I bought an AnyTone 878 a few weeks ago, mostly just to play with it and see how I liked it. There’s a lot to like with the idea of...
  • Dan
    Dan posted the thread Icom 9700 in Icom 9700.
    Direct Sampling Brought to the VHF/UHF World Built with the VHF/UHF weak signal operator in mind, the IC-9700 is an RF direct sampling...
  • Dan
    Dan posted the thread Icom 8600 in Icom 8600.
    Software Defined Receiver Whether deployed with two receivers on a single 19-inch rack or on your desk at home, the IC-R8600 is an...
  • Dan
    Dan posted the thread Icom 7700 in Icom 7700.
    Product Discontinued The IP3 performance of a radio can be improved by sacrificing sensitivity, but Icom considers this a poor choice...
  • Dan
    Dan posted the thread Icom 7100 in Icom 7100.
    At the 2012 Tokyo Hamfair, Icom once again changed mobile HF communications by introducing the IC-7100. The ease of operation with...
  • Dan
    Dan posted the thread Icom 905 in Icom 905.
    The IC-905 is the industry's first microwave rig in the 144, 430/440, 1200, 2400, 5600 MHz and 10 GHz* bands. Multi-mode operation...
  • Dan
    Dan posted the thread Icom 705 in Icom 705.
    From HF to 50/144/440 MHz, you can enjoy a variety of bands in the D-STAR DV, SSB, CW, RTTY, AM and FM modes. The IC-705 receives...
  • Dan
  • Dan
    Dan replied to the thread Islanders Amateur Radio Association.
    We are no longer using Ref 054B to access the D-Star Net. We are switching to a system put together by Nick KF5CJG and friends. This...
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