Blue Ridge Microwave Society


Staff member

Blue Ridge Microwave Society (BRMS)
Dedicated to the advancement of VHF, UHF and Microwave Amateur Radio communications.

BRMS is an informal association of amateur radio enthusiasts with an interest in amateur microwave radio technology and operations. While the emphasis is on activity above 1 GHz, activity on 6 meters and above is welcome. The Blue Ridge name highlights amateur microwaves in Virginia and its environs but anyone with an interest is welcome irrespective of location.​

This group site is for the exchange of information on operations and technology and for mutual assistance. Some group members are experienced in the unique communication techniques used above 1 GHz. Others can be a technical resource with access to microwave test equipment. Others just want to get on the air and have fun. BRMS is the place to go. We want the posting permissions to be fairly open but we ask that you limit posts to the topic. Be respectful, we don’t want the group to read like some of the things you hear on the HF amateur bands. Moderators will step in if posts go too far afield. Please be kind and respectful of others when posting to this group.​

Use the groups “join” tab to join the group. Your email will be sent to the moderators so it can be added to list. You only need an email address and an interest in amateur radio microwave to join. If you are licensed be sure to include your call. If you aren’t licensed, let us know, we can help you. It is easier than ever to get your amateur radio license.​

The graphic is a stained glass panel commissioned by Dennis’ (WA4LPR) wife Betsy (KD4OXM). It depicts the Blue Ridge mountains in a quilt related pattern.​
